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Eoin McGlinchey
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Eoin is a Partner in the Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Litigation and Dispute Resolution Team with over 18 years’ experience gained both at the Bar of Ireland and in private practice. Eoin leads the professional discipline and legislative drafting teams within Byrne Wallace Shields LLP, as well as having an extensive practice in commercial litigation matters where he advises both Irish and international clients. His ability to quickly evaluate issues allows him to give clear and strategic advice to clients from the outset, designed to achieve both the client's legal and commercial aims. 

Eoin advises a number of state bodies on litigation and regulatory issues including the Central Bank of Ireland and the HSE. Eoin is highly experienced in using mediation to resolve disputes for clients quickly and privately and has advised clients in mediations both domestically and internationally.

Eoin is a specialist in professional disciplinary matters acting for regulated professionals, such as nurses and teachers, who are the subject of professional disciplinary inquiries and investigations.

Eoin has drafted primary and secondary legislation, as well as rules, procedures and policies for clients in both the public and private sectors, including a number of state bodies.


  • Acting for the HSE in a dispute with the private insurance providers over unpaid insurance claims worth approximately €160 million. 
  • Advising the state health agency throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Eoin advised in relation to securing additional healthcare capacity through various agreements with the private sector including the transition arrangements, Surge I and II engagements and interactions with consultants.
  • Advising the HSE following the cyber-attack in May 2021. Eoin advised on implications and responses and successfully obtained various injunctions, including Norwich Pharmacal Orders, for the HSE against the attackers and other third parties holding or receiving stolen data.
  • Acting on behalf of registered teachers, pharmacists and vets in fitness to practice/fitness to teach inquiries.
  • Advising on and drafting primary and secondary legislation for Fáilte Ireland, IAASA, Medical Council, not for profit organisations, semi state bodies and private bodies.
  • Advised a number of major financial institutions on the Central Bank’s tracker mortgage investigation. Eoin advised on reviews of loan books and devised an appeals and redress process that was accepted by the CBI.
  • Advising over 100 credit unions on various regulatory disputes with the CBI. Eoin has advised credit unions on CBI investigation pursuant to the Central Bank Act 1942
  • Successfully obtaining injunctions and attachment orders for a receiver against unknown persons unlawfully occupying property placed under the control of the Receiver.
  • Acting for clients in trademark and patent infringement claims.
  • Resolving partnership and shareholder disputes through mediation and Court action.


  • Bachelor of Arts, University College Dublin, 1999
  • Diploma in Legal Studies, The Honorable Society of Kings Inns, 2004
  • Qualified as Barrister at Law, The Honorable Society of Kings Inns, 2005
  • Qualified as Barrister at Law, Bar of England and Wales, 2008
  • Qualified as a Solicitor, Law Society of Ireland, 20011
  • Qualified as a Solicitor, Law Society of England and Wales, 2013 


  • Law Society of Ireland
  • Dublin Solicitors Bar Association
  • Irish Commercial Mediation Association