Marco Beverage Systems
Byrne Wallace Shields LLP advises the sellers of Marco Beverage Systems....
Byrne Wallace Shields LLP advises Patrizia....
Versono Medical
Byrne Wallace Shields LLP advises Versono Medical....
She has over 18 years’ experience advising domestic and international organisations, owner managed businesses and private clients. Her particular expertise includes strategic tax planning across multiple tax heads, succession planning and foreign direct investment.
Julie has represented Chartered Accountants Ireland on the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies in Ireland (CCABI) tax committee for twelve years and represented CCABI on Main TALC (Tax and Legal Administration Committee) and the Revenue Audit TALC subcommittee with Revenue. She has delivered CPD seminars for a number of professional bodies and co-authored “Corporation Tax 2010” for the Irish Taxation Institute.
- Chartered Accountant, Chartered Accountants Ireland, 1997
- Chartered Tax Advisor, Irish Taxation Institute, 1997
- Chartered Accountants Ireland
- Irish Taxation Institute