Responsive Filemanager Changelog ********************************************************* * RFM 9.14.0 ********************************************************* - fix Critical Security (thanks to Fariskhi Vidyan for reporting) - add ckEditor on html file edit - fix upload an image with malicius code inside - added compatibility with memory_limit expressed in G - fix relative url return - fix a vulnerability on url upload (thanks to donot-wong for reporting) - fix return on upload in same cases ********************************************************* * RFM 9.13.4 ********************************************************* - fix Directory Traversal Allows to Read Any File (thanks to Simon Uvarov for reporting) - fix Path Traversal While Upacking Archives (thanks to Simon Uvarov for reporting) - Fix foreach warning on URL upload - Fix http https URL upload - add toggle on config for extract_files - prevent image creation for broken links in URL upload (thanks to davodavodavo3) - Migrate to yarn on development (thanks to mklkj) - code refactoring ********************************************************* * RFM 9.13.3 ********************************************************* - support to files without extension - fix Path Traversal vulnerability and url validation - fix vulnerability that permits to see server files - fix double file and folder rename - refactoring - update Hungarian, German and Thai languages - fix nested php tags in download permission - change jPlayer script to cdn ********************************************************* * RFM 9.13.2 ********************************************************* - empty filename support (like .htaccess, .env,...) - fix download bug - refactoring check extension ********************************************************* * RFM 9.13.1 ********************************************************* - folder creation fix - blacklist fix - php < 5.6 compatibility fix ********************************************************* * RFM 9.13.0 ********************************************************* - multiple file selection: you can delete multiple files, you can select multiple file (n.b. if you select multiple files on stand alone mode it return a json list of urls, if you use editor with normal mode return only the first and if you use tinymce with responsivefilemanager plugin return all files on editor) - you can disable mime type renaming on config - blacklist extensions available on config - fixed precompiled test on duplication - rfm remember the last folder when return to filemanager - added mime type .rar - fixed folder permission to get config value - fixed an error on folder renaming - a lot of others bugs fixed ********************************************************* * RFM 9.12.2 ********************************************************* - fixed a security vulnerability (thanks to sashaptrw) - fixed other minor problems ********************************************************* * RFM 9.12.1 ********************************************************* - fix FTP support - fix problem with subfolder session ********************************************************* * RFM 9.12.0 ********************************************************* - fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (thanks to Ryan Dewhurst - BSc Ethical Hacking for Computer Security, CCNA) - fixed lazy loading problems with a new plugin - copy url without flash with clipboard.js - removed java uploader and introduce new upload system with canucks part - new upload method with jQuery-File-Upload - removed viewer_js and substituted with google preview - fix problem with url upload - multiple files, folder upload permission also WITH RECURSIVE FOLDER UPLOAD - fix the config.php inclusion on subfolders see CUSTOMISE CONFIGURATION FOR EACH FOLDER on documentation - RTL stylesheet on repository (if you want to use simply include on dialog.php) - you can now drop files/folders everywhere to upload ********************************************************* * RFM 9.11.3 ********************************************************* - fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (thanks to Wiswat Aswamenakul (Nick)) - url upload toggle - fixed upload xml - prettify improvement - added cad preview - other minor bug fixes ********************************************************* * RFM 9.11.0 ********************************************************* - fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (thanks to CERT-W and Davide Girardi from Outpost24) - Add FTP beta support - Upload from URL - Add watermark on images - fixed problem with some file type on upload - fixed a problem with change language - fixed a problem with rename - fixed a problem with upload mine type - fixed memory_error bool indicator - add configuration to add &time to image to prevent chaching - other fixes ********************************************************* * RFM 9.10.2 ********************************************************* - fixed Download of large file - added pause resume download - fixed problem with base_url function - removed set_time_limit call ********************************************************* * RFM 9.10.1 ********************************************************* - now you can pass available extensions list in url (ex. you can show only excel files) - fixed a problem with php<5.3 - remember filter and sort after refresh - added config toggle to show/hide filter buttons and language selection button - fixed a problem when you click on namefile label (previously was equal to click two times) - fixed a problem with relative path with folder (thanks to gordon-matt) - fixed a problem with mimetype in some cases - fixed a problem with cache on image editor include - fixed a problem with + char on folders name ********************************************************* * RFM 9.10.0 ********************************************************* - added total max size control to limit the size of all files into source folder (you can control it in config.php) (thanks to Stephane MERCIER) - improved the error messages (thanks to Stephane MERCIER) - update jplayer - fixed a incorrect closing of upload modal - fixed lowercase on convert_spaces active and add lower_case option on config.php - add mimetype control on upload (ex. if i renane img.jpg to img.pdf and upload to filemananger the system check the time type and converte it to img.jpg) - fixed permission error on files and folders - other fix ********************************************************* * RFM 9.9.7 ********************************************************* - fixed pdf preview - fixed a bug with session subfolder folder creation - fixed a bug with folder creation - fixed a problem with ie and allow_url_fopen server config - fixed a problem with folder copy - fixed a problem with relative folder url export - fixed error 'TypeError: $ is not a function' - fixed a problem with lang in query string - fixed a problem with drag&drop on android ********************************************************* * RFM 9.9.6 ********************************************************* - fixed a security vulnerability (thanks to - code refactoring removed thumb path to ajax calls - improve file/folder permission layout and fixed a error - fixed a problem with image editor - added vitnamese language ********************************************************* * RFM 9.9.5 ********************************************************* - fixed a Adobe Creative SDK issue - fixed a problem when you edit multiple image in the same session - fixed a problem with security issue in some server configurations - added maxSize config to Adobe Creative SDK export image (default now is 1400) ********************************************************* * RFM 9.9.4 ********************************************************* - Upgrade Aviary Image Editor with new Adobe Creative SDK without size limitation - Add files and folders counter on each folder - Fixed a problem with folder selection on relative url ********************************************************* * RFM 9.9.3 ********************************************************* - Fixed the problem with undefined windowParent - Fixed a problem with selection on CKeditor - Added bootstrap modal default support ********************************************************* * RFM 9.9.2 ********************************************************* - added file selection directly from dropzone upload area (you can now select file directly after upload) - folder selection in context menu (you can now select also a folder) - responsive filemanager modal open on tinyMCE (the dimension of modal depend on window dimension) - utf8 translitteration fix ********************************************************* * RFM 9.9.1 ********************************************************* - bugfix ********************************************************* * RFM 9.9.0 ********************************************************* - add compatibility with CKEditor (thanks to dennis.buijs) - fix ordering and filtering bugs (in js and php) - Refactoring of configuration and language files (thanks to rkgrep) - updated libraries via bower dependency management (thanks to rkgrep) - added Assets compilation via gulp for developing (thanks to rkgrep) - added Hebrew lang (sagie212) ********************************************************* * RFM 9.8.1 ********************************************************* - add compatibility with free full resolution with aviary image editor - convert all include(); with include ‘’; - fix a problem with lowercase automatically change ********************************************************* * RFM 9.8 ********************************************************* - added pdf, openoffice files preview with customized viewer.js - added other office file preview with google preview - fixed ordering bug - improved layout style - added copy to clipboard button on show url dialog - fixed a bug when download a file - fixed a bug in relative path images creation - adding custom convert_spaces [by fungio] ********************************************************* * RFM 9.7.3 ********************************************************* - Fix a problem with lazy load and filters - add option to remember text filter in session ********************************************************* * RFM 9.7.2 ********************************************************* ***** Major ***** - Added mime type lib for downloads - Added lazy loading feature - Added options for auto and max image resizing - Lang. updates - Added touch devices support for drag&drop - Added support for returning relative URL-s - Bugfixes ***** Detailed ***** - Added mime type lib for downloads All downloads no should load successfuly - Added lazy loading feature Images will only load when in the viewport so when you are in a crowded folder it will load faster - Added options for auto and max image resizing In the past all images that was resized either with max_image or auto resize was cropped. Now the user can specify to crop,exact,landscape or portrait options. The max image size can be overridden by auto resize option - Added support for returning relative URL-s Relative URL-s can be returned when selecting files from the filemanager: a 'relative_url' GET parameter should be added to the request with a value of "1" when opening RFM. Otherwise returned URL-s will be absolute. - Bugfixes Fixed css bugs Fixed drag&drop bugs Removed 'default' access keys for security ********************************************************* * RFM 9.6.0 ********************************************************* ***** Major ***** - Cross domain feature - Add in config.php a option to replace all spaces with _ - Encoding of Export URL - Code refactoring ***** Detailed ***** - Cross domain feature:To enable cross-domain file selector, where files are hosted on one server (for example, and URL is being sent to another (for example,, include crossdomain=1 in the URL. For example, to instantiate image picker, use the following URL:[path to filemanager]/filemanager/dialog.php?type=1&field_id=fieldID&crossdomain=1 Then on, the following code can be used to retrieve the URL after file selection is made. Please note, that the code is written for jQuery with FancyBox plug-in. // // Handles message from ResponsiveFilemanager // function OnMessage(e){ var event = e.originalEvent; // Make sure the sender of the event is trusted if( === 'responsivefilemanager'){ if({ var; var; $('#'+fieldID).val(url).trigger('change'); $.fancybox.close(); // Delete handler of the message from ResponsiveFilemanager $(window).off('message', OnMessage); } } } // Handler for a message from ResponsiveFilemanager $(‘.opener-class).on('click',function(){ $(window).on('message', OnMessage); }); FILE MANAGER AS TINYMCE PLUG-IN There is extra parameter needed filemanager_crossdomain when calling tinymce.init(), please see below. tinymce.init({ ... filemanager_crossdomain: true, external_filemanager_path:"http://path/secondaryserver/filemanager/", external_plugins: { "filemanager" : "http://path/secondaryserver/filemanager/plugin.min.js"}, ... }); - Convert_spaces options: enable the conversion of spaces to _ in file and folder name ********************************************************* * RFM 9.5.0 ********************************************************* ***** Major ***** - File permission changing - Language Changing - View/edit/create text files - Fixes NOTE: Changed upload button's icon! ***** Detailed ***** - File permission changing (OFF BY DEFAULT!) Now you can change the files/folders permission with a slick window. To access the window first you must activate it in the config file. After you activated it you can reach it from the rigth click menu. You can configure the permission with both text and checkboxes. If you entered a wrong format/number the initial state will be restored. When changing permissions for folders there will be more options for recursive changing (No/only files/only folders/both). If you set the permission wrong there will be errors. NOTE! If you don't know what you are doing then leave as it is bacause you can cause trouble. Usually files are 644 and folders are 755 You CANNOT set the sticky bit! - Language Changing You can now change the language dynamicly from the menu. The button is located next to the refresh button (a globe icon) If adding new language, it should be added to the languages.php file as well for it to show up. I tried to identify all language codes and add the name on there own language but I might messed up so please check it and correct it if necessary. (Because I'm only a human and speak only 2 languages) - View/edit/create text files You can now view/edit/create text based files like .txt. To view a file's content just click on the preview (eye) icon. To edit a file rigth click on it and select "Edit file's content" To create a new file just click on the "+ file" icon (old upload button) When creating a new file you must specify it's extension. All valid extensions for edit/create are listed in the config file ($editable_text_file_exts) - Fixes Fixed some css overflow errors Removed lang_View from menu because it was overflowing Removed hr.php lang because it's the same as hr_HR.php Changed upload buttons icon to accomodate the "new file" addition ********************************************************* * RFM 9.4.1 ********************************************************* ***** Major ***** - Security Access Keys - More Tinymce settings - Tinymce 3.* support - Added image resize options - Bugfixes ***** Detailed ***** - Security Access Keys If 'USE_ACCESS_KEYS' are set to true only those will access RF whose url contains the access key (akey) like: Allowed access keys are defined in the config as well. $access_keys must be an array so you can add multiple. Your access key should NEVER be 'key' and keep in mind they are CASE SENSITIVE! For recommended key generation read the comments in the config file. If there's no access key supplied with the url or it's not in the $access_key array you will get 'Access Denied' and you cannot continue. For tinymce a new variable was added: "filemanager_access_key" Tinymce config example: tinyinit ... external_filemanager_path:"../filemanager", filemanager_access_key: "myPrivateKey", ... This is a bit of additional security so no one can access your filesystem. - More Tinymce settings - Added 'filemanager_subfolder' param so you can now define the starting folder in tinymce eg: 'filemanager_subfolder:"subfolder/"' - Bugfixes - Fixed audio/video player bug - Fix in remember last position - Show url context link in all files and folder - Fixed a problem with old thumbnails on renaming - Fixed a copy past issue - Fixed Standalone Mode not using the field_id passed in mixed use cases ********************************************************* * RFM 9.4.0 ********************************************************* ***** Major ***** - Cut/copy/paste support - Drag&drop support - Few new icons - Code refactor - Bugfixes ***** Detailed ***** - Cut/copy/paste You can configure the actions in config.php file and disable/ limit them if needed. When right clicking on a folder/file there will be options for copy and cut (and paste if files on clipboard and righ clicked on a file) There's icon for paste to this dir and clear clipboard after the 'new dir' icons They will grey out if there's nothing on the clipboard. - Drag&drop Now you can drag n drop files/folders to other folders (this will overwrite existing files if encountered any!) - Icons Added new icons for the new functions All are legit made by me or get from free icon sites - Code Refator - Added bunch of comments and change a lot of codes. - Changed all $_SESSION vars to be in a separet array eg.:$_SESSION["verify"] -> $_SESSION['RF']["verify"] So now there won't be any problem with big projecfts integrating RF - Added the lang file url to $_SESSION['RF']['language_file'] Now it can be included easily - Added a lot of new lang. lines and feedback info New lines added to every language (in english) so translation can go smoothly (There are places where i added %s to lang lines which will be swapped with an action name , commented out what will be inserted at runtime) - Added timeout when closing upload tab - Bugfixes - Corrected issue #69 Dropzone spritemap.png problem Now when loading a language it will search for the appropiate spritemaps. If none found will fallback to english All spritemaps should follow the language code naming eg: For hu_HU: spritemap_hu_HU.png spritemap@2x_hu_HU.png (might consider moving them in a separte folder in the future) - Fixed issue #71 The uploaded file exceeds the max size allowed Now when uploading it properly check for max post size It is dealt with in config.php after definning the max upload size and if it's bigger than server's ini it will revert it back to it.