News and Recent Work Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Webinar: Ireland’s new whistleblowing legislation - Is your organisation ready for the change?
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Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Webinar: Ireland’s new whistleblowing legislation - Is your organisation ready for the change?

Wednesday, 25 January 2023


Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Employment Law team are hosting a webinar entitled "Ireland’s new whistleblowing legislation - Is your organisation ready for the change?" on Wednesday, 1 February at 12-12:45pm (GMT).

On 1 January 2023, major changes were made to Irish whistleblowing legislation, placing new and significant regulatory obligations on employers.

The Protected Disclosures (Amendment) Act 2022 widens the scope of protections for whistleblowers and introduces a new requirement to have a whistleblowing procedure and reporting channels for classes of employers. The Act also outlines strict rules related to how disclosures should be treated, extends the definition of a worker, applies to disclosures made by others such as non-executive board members, volunteers and candidates for employment, and includes potential criminal sanctions for breaches.

Of particular importance is the extension of regulatory obligations to certain private sector employers in Ireland for the first time. 

At this webinar, Head of Employment Law Michelle Ní Longáin and Employment Law Partner Emmet Whelan will examine the new regulatory obligations and outline the steps employers will need to take to ensure compliance with the new legislation. The focus of the session will be on the new obligations on private sector employers, although the session may also be of interest to public sector employers.

If your interested in attending this webinar, please email
