The Climate Action Plan - what does it mean for Ireland's Electricity Sector?
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
On Monday 17 June, the Government published the Climate Action
Plan 2019 to Tackle Climate Breakdown. The Plan has been largely very well received and there is an
appreciation that it embodies an all of Government vision as to how Ireland can
become a global leader in battling climate change. There is a great level of ambition with the
Plan targeting all relevant sectors – electricity, enterprise, housing,
heating, transport, agriculture, waste and public sector. The Plan then ‘backs up’ its aspirations with
the clear identification of the steps required to achieve them, in the form of
183 actions.
Looking specifically at the electricity
sector, the key goals are as follows:
- Increase reliance on renewables from
30% to 70% adding 12GW of renewable energy capacity (with peat and coal plants
closing) with some of this delivered by private contracts;
- Put in place a coherent support
scheme for micro-generation with a price for selling power to the grid;
- Open up opportunity for community
participation in renewable generation as well as community gain arrangements;
- Streamline the consent system, the connection agreements, and the funding supports for the new technologies both onshore and offshore
In terms of reaching 70% renewable electricity by 2030, there is
an indicative intention that it will be comprised of at least 3.5GW of offshore
renewable energy, up to 1.5GW of grid-scale solar energy and up to 8.2GW of
further onshore wind capacity.
Is this good or bad for
Ireland's Wind and Solar Sectors?
While the Plan represents positive news for the wind sector, it
does not seem so positive for grid-scale solar developers. What comes through loud and clear is that the
Government is keen to support the rapid expansion of the offshore wind sector.
This is evident in the Plan with specific reference to the second and third
RESS auctions providing a route to market for offshore wind, the intention to
develop an offshore electricity grid (which will be interesting to see evolve),
the prioritisation of the passage of the new Marine Planning and Development
Management Bill and the implementation of a new offshore grid connection policy
that lines up with RESS auction timelines. In contrast, grid-scale solar gets fewer mentions and the reference to
"up to 1.5GW of grid-scale solar energy" will likely have been met
with disappointment by the solar industry, which, as of right now, already has
in excess of 2GW of projects with planning consent.
Future routes to market -
a rise in Corporate PPAs?
Also noteworthy from an electricity sector perspective is the
stated intention to meet 15% of electricity demand by renewable sources
contracted by way of Corporate PPAs. CPPAs have become very topical in the past 18-24 months in Ireland but there
has been a certain scepticism from some parts as to how big a role they will
actually play in terms of route to market for renewable energy projects and how
many CPPAs we will actually see, given the apparent small number of customers
at present. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out and how many
developers / generators might seek to move their focus away from the RESS
auction process, seeing it as a race to the bottom, and instead re-focus on the
CPPA route to market.
A positive step forward
for Climate Action?
The level of ambition in the Climate Action Plan means that, even
if it falls short on certain fronts, it should lead to a greater degree of confidence
that Ireland will perform notably better in the period from now to 2030, than
it has to date, in terms of tackling climate change and contributing to Europe
meeting CO2 reduction and renewable energy targets. It has garnered extremely positive feedback
from the likes of Wind Europe. It is relatively rare that we see the Government
launch a new plan or policy with such evocative words as those of Minister
Bruton - "This is a life changing
journey and it is a rapid, transformative adjustment that is required. Nothing
less will do. We must all now take up the challenge."
For further information on
the Climate Action Plan, or general legal advice on this topic, contact a member of the ByrneWallace
Energy and Natural Resources Team.