Byrne Wallace Shields LLP brings first ever application by remote link for an Interim Care Order
Wednesday, 03 June 2020
The Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Health and Social Care team brought the first
ever application by way of remote link for an Interim Care Order in respect of
a vulnerable young girl on Tuesday, 12 May.
This is the first ever Order granted pursuant to the Childcare
Act 1991 by way of virtual hearing in the District Court.
The young girl was trafficked into the country and used for
forced labour until she was taken into the care of the Child and Family Agency.
The case was heard in-camera and parties attended by way of video
conference. Her social worker gave evidence in regard to her arrival in Ireland
and the history of her care. A Guardian ad Litem was appointed and the matter
will come before the Court again in June.
To read press coverage of this case, please click here.