Publications & Insights Chambers Global Practice Guide - Enforcement of Judgments 2021
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Chambers Global Practice Guide - Enforcement of Judgments 2021

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Partner and Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Jon Legorburu, Partners Mark O’Shaughnessy and Mona Costelloe and Senior Associate Robert McDermott authored the Ireland “Law and Practice" and “Trends and Developments” chapters in the Chambers Global Practice Guide on “Enforcement of Judgements 2021".

The "Enforcement of Judgements 2021" Guide includes contributions from 29 jurisdictions and covers the latest legal information on the identification of another party’s asset position, the costs and time involved in the enforcement of domestic and foreign judgments, challenges to enforcement, and the process of enforcing arbitral awards.

Byrne Wallace Shields LLP is pleased to have contributed to the Ireland chapter in which the authors have provided guidance on the key laws and regulations for the enforcement of judgements in Ireland with expert insights into the implications of national judgements following Brexit. 

To read the full expert legal commentary in the Ireland chapter, please click the links below.

Chambers Global Practice Guide - Law and Practice

Chambers Global Practice Guide - Trends and Developments 

Published with permission from Chambers and Partners (August 2021).