Publications & Insights CRU Proposed Decision Paper on Large Energy Users
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CRU Proposed Decision Paper on Large Energy Users

Friday, 21 February 2025

The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) published on 18 February 2025 a proposed decision paper on Large Energy Users – connection policy (CRU/202504). The proposal aims to facilitate the sustained growth of large energy users, most notably data centres, within the grid’s existing capabilities. 

The CRU acknowledges the close interaction between the gas and electricity networks, and while the proposal states a coordinated approach to connections is needed, the paper solely considers connections to electricity networks.  In addition, the proposal is confined to new connections and does not extend to large energy users with existing network connections. 

The key changes proposed are outlined below:

  1. Data centres connecting to the electricity network will be required to dispatch energy to the grid at peak demand times. This energy can be generated onsite or a location proximate to development and/or be a storage facility provided the capacity matches the data centres’ maximum import capacity. 
  2. Increased expansion of the data centre’s energy demands will be linked to the delivery of expanded generation capacity.  
  3. EirGrid plc, the Distribution System Operator, ESB Networks DAC, Gas Networks Ireland DAC among other system operators (System Operators) will assess connection applications against the new requirements proposed. System Operators will continue map grid connection locations and identify future constrained sites. 
  4. Systems Operators will regularly publish data on the grid’s current and future capacity to assist large energy users’ assessment of sites for future development. 
  5. Finally, large energy users would be required to report on their carbon emissions and use of renewables to Systems Operators for onward publication.

Overall, the proposal provides some clarity on the steps and measures required by large energy users to secure new electricity connections with a new emphasis on transparency. However, the issue of new gas connections and position on “islanded data centres” has not been dealt with in the paper.

CRU is inviting comments from interested parties before 4 April 2025 and the final decision paper is expected to be published in summer 2025.  

The Proposed Decision can be found at

Review of Large Energy Users Connection Policy | The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU)'s Consultation Portal

For further information on the draft Decision Paper, or general legal advice on energy regulation and projects, please contact Fergal RuaneMegan Fennelly or any other member of the Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Infrastructure, Construction and Energy Department.