Publications & Insights Employment Law Update - Employee Data Protection & IT Acceptable Usage Policies
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Employment Law Update - Employee Data Protection & IT Acceptable Usage Policies

Monday, 01 October 2018

A recent decision of the Irish Workplace Relations Commission, and a decision of the Irish Labour Court highlight the benefit to an employer of having an Employee Data Protection Policy and an IT Acceptable Usage Policy in place. In both cases listed below, a dismissal for breach of company data protection and IT related policies was found to be fair. 

The Complainant in A Nurse v A Hospital was dismissed after her employer discovered that she had kept a logbook containing highly sensitive personal data pertaining to patient cases she had worked on as an assisting nurse.

Click here to read the case findings. 

In Danceglen Limited T/A Dunboyne Castle Hotel & Spa v Fernando Ribeiro, Mr. Ribeiro was dismissed after he was found to be in in possession of a USB key which held highly confidential company data including commercially sensitive financial information and guest personal data.

Click here to read the case findings.

For further information, please contact Elaine Kelly or your usual contact in the Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Employment Law team.