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Thursday, 10 September 2015

3D4Medical were featured as part of Apple’s iPad Pro and iPhone 6s Launch on September 9, 2015 with a preview video of Complete Anatomy. The Complete Anatomy Series is unique within the intersection of the global technology and healthcare sectors. The embedded tools and resources within Complete Anatomy will enable both students and medical professionals to create and share content, which will enhance learning and contribute towards a more interactive and engaging educational experience. 

Byrne Wallace Shields LLP advised 3D4Medical, a leading Irish innovative medical technology company, and some of its shareholders on the sale of a 38% shareholding in 3D4Medical, for US$16.4 million, to Irish based global life sciences company, Malin Corporation plc. As part of the investment, Malin has a call option to increase its shareholding to 50%.

3D4Medical is a leading innovative medical technology company, based in Ireland that specialises in the development of medical, educational, and health and fitness apps for healthcare professionals as well as for students and patient education.   The Company’s unique apps have garnered more than 9 million downloads globally and are designed to encourage unique learning experiences through intuitive interactivity and visualizations and utilise revolutionary proprietary 3D technology to show the human body.  A number of 3D4Medical‘s apps are developed in collaboration with Stanford University School of Medicine.

For further information on this transaction, visit and

Click here to watch a preview the video of 3D4Medical's Complete Anatomy Series, which was featured at Apple’s iPad Pro and iPhone 6s Launch.