Recent Work Metamo
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Monday, 15 July 2019

Byrne Wallace Shields LLP has advised a group of 16 credit unions on their €10million joint venture with Fexco known as Metamo. The credit unions come under the MetaCU umbrella and represent almost half a million members from across the country with combined assets of over €3billion and accounting for about twenty per cent of the entire Irish credit union sector.

The initial focus of the joint venture will be on collaboration between Fexco and the credit unions to identify and develop products and solutions required by members and these solutions will also be offered to other credit unions in order to sustain the continued development of the sector. 

They Byrne Wallace Shields LLP team who advised the group of credit unions included Jon Legorburu (Partner and Head of the Credit Union and Regulatory Practices) and Jonathan Lynch (Senior Associate Corporate).

For more details on the announcement see links below to recent press coverage:

Irish Times Press Release 

RTÉ Press Release

Irish Independent Press Release