Byrne Wallace Shields LLP sponsor the 5th Annual Property Summit
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Byrne Wallace Shields LLP is delighted to sponsor, for the fourth consecutive year, the Annual Property Summit which takes place Wednesday, 5 December 2018 in the Aviva Stadium.
This conference will bring together Ireland’s leading investors, developers, builders, finance providers and agents to discuss and explore the prospects of the Irish property sector and the practical solutions to overcoming its challenges.
In particular, the conference will review in detail where Ireland stands at present in terms of residential and commercial development. What’s working and what’s not? What are the solutions to affordability for our middle class? Where are the opportunities for commercial investors? What is the real demand for housing? Where are we going in terms of investments, tax reform and regulation? What can Ireland learn from other European countries? What lies ahead for 2019? These and other questions will be discussed by leading experts from home and abroad.
The event opens with a keynote address from Eoghan Murphy T.D. Minister for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government.
Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Head of Property Michael Walsh and Neil Dunne, Senior Associate, will also speak at this event and address key developments shaping the future of the industry.
Click here to read more details about the event, key speakers and the full agenda.
For more information on our property law services, talk to a member of the Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Property Law Team
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