Child Care Law
Our team has extensive experience in representing TUSLA (The Child and Family Agency) in all aspects of the highly sensitive and complex areas of Child Care Law. The Child Care team's main achievement in 2014 was to maintain and extend its lead position in the area of Child Care Law. We remain the largest team of dedicated Child Care lawyers in the country who deal with a large volume of legal proceedings relating to child protection from the District Court to the Supreme Court.
Our team has extensive experience of Adoption Law and has made many High Court applications in that area. Our team also has experience of relevant European and International Law such as the Brussels II Bis Regulation and the European Convention on Human Rights.
Beyond our specialised knowledge in child care matters, we use our wide ranging expertise to provide specific and comprehensive legal services to other clients in relation to the requirement for all organisations who deal with children to have detailed Child Protection Policies in place; such organisations include many sporting organisations throughout the country.
Our team liaises with government departments, giving input into legislation. Our team has expertise in respect of ground breaking new legislation such as the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Act 2012 , Child and Family Agency Act 2013 and the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015.
Our team has extensive experience of advising TUSLA (The Child and Family Agency) in statutory and non statutory inquiries and in High Court proceedings relating to fair procedures and the investigation of alleged child abuse.
We have a responsive, premier team who are passionate about achieving results for our clients in this challenging and complex area.
The Department has retained its tier 1 status in the Chambers & Partners 2015 rankings. Chambers and Partners have summed up the expertise of our team succinctly as follows:
“Few firms have the level of industry expertise’ of Byrne Wallace Shields LLP… The firm also has a robust health services practice that ‘delivers every time’ under ‘health law expert’ Sinéad Kearney.”
The Department was also nominated as finalists in the AIB Private Banking Irish Law Awards 2015 Public Sector Team/Lawyer of the Year.
Our team also delivers extensive client training to TUSLA (The Child and Family Agency) and has delivered lectures to bodies such as the Law Society, the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association, Free Legal Advice Centres and Central Law Training. A number of our team also sit on Committees of the Law Society and the Dublin Solicitors Bar Association.