Legislative and Regulatory
In many instances, organisations seeking to lobby for the amendment or introduction of legislation now look to provide draft legislation to the government. Not only can this speed up the process of introducing the legislation sought, ensure that the legislation meets the requirements of those seeking its introduction and bolster the application for its introduction, but it also provides a valuable insight for those organisations into the benefits and challenges that may arise in its introduction.
The Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Litigation and Dispute Resolution team has extensive experience and expertise in advising on and drafting legislation and regulations, from primary and secondary legislation to internal rules, sectoral regulations and processes governing the operation of public and private bodies.
Key highlights of our experience in this sector include: the drafting of statutory instruments governing the conduct of investigations, inquiries and appeals for a statutory regulator; our ongoing drafting and advices on a comprehensive statutory instrument consolidating and implementing EU directives for a state body; drafting secondary legislation to update existing legislation and enabling the implementation of EU regulations for a not for-profit organisation; drafting secondary legislation and regulatory procedures for a private body seeking to lobby the government for changes to existing legislation. We have also advised extensively on the drafting of new primary legislation for a public body including the provision of draft amending legislation.