Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a positive and practical approach to doing business: it maximises the benefits we can help bring about for our people, our clients and our communities and manages the impact we have on the environment. At Byrne Wallace Shields LLP our CSR policy promotes opportunities to meet and exceed the expectations of clients, employees and other stakeholders beyond our normal statutory and business obligations. By taking this approach to CSR, we enhance our most valuable intangible asset – our reputation.
For Byrne Wallace Shields LLP, our goal is to ensure the business activities we undertake enhance rather than impede our relationships with clients, suppliers, employees and the community. We aim to combine the provision of high quality legal advice to our clients with a rewarding working environment, an awareness of the wider community and strong long lasting relationships.
At Home
Byrne Wallace Shields LLP is driven by the belief that how we operate internally reflects how we operate externally; therefore we ensure that our employees are active participants in our CSR which endeavors to build staff morale and cultivate a team spirit.
In the Community
For Byrne Wallace Shields LLP, CSR extends well beyond just writing a donation cheque to a charitable cause. We are dedicated to being a responsible contributing member of society, seeking to build strong relationships with the local community and act as a good neighbour.
Charitable giving and volunteerism are part of the Byrne Wallace Shields LLP culture, and our employees are making a difference through local involvement, sporting endeavors and corporate activities - partnering with community organisations, business and government, schools and workforce development programmes designed to make a difference to peoples' lives. We support our staff volunteerism in a number of ways, through hosting various in-house fundraising events to becoming involved in larger events run by selected charities.
For the Environment
We are committed to energy efficiency and managing our impact on the environment. Recent initiatives include:
- The recycling of 95% of our waste.
- A bin-less office policy across the firm.
- Waste and food recycling facilities on every floor.
- Byrne Wallace Shields LLP was Ireland’s first law firm to implement an integrated Environmental Management System in accordance with the EMS International Standard 14001 from 2011 to 2012.
Fundraising events
The Firm has supported a number of charities over the years through fundraising events. These have A “Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Go Green” day for Barnardos; our Annual Cake for Clobber event on International Women’s Day in aid of Dress for Success; The Great Byrne Wallace Shields LLP Bake Off in aid of the Annual Shine a Light Business Leaders Sleep out for Focus Ireland.
Staff have also participated in a number of sporting challenges in aid of various charitable causes such as the Calcutta Run, the Mark Pollack Run in the Dark, the Rind of Kerry, and the Sporting Proud Triathlon.
At Christmas, staff support the Women's Refuge Appeal and the Annual St Vincent de Paul Food Appeal.
St Audoen’s National School
The Firm has a long history supporting St Audoen’s National School. Our staff organise and volunteer in a weekly reading club. We also run an annual Christmas Art Competition with the School, and the children are invited to visit our offices for Christmas carols with our staff.
The employees and management at Byrne Wallace Shields LLP are committed to our Corporate Social Responsibility effort to create a positive working atmosphere, invest in the community and improve the environment in which we operate.